Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

Cause-Related Marketing, Part of Corporate Social Responsibility and Its Influence upon Consumers’ Attitude

Author:Laurentiu Dan Anghel, Georgiana Florentina Grigore and Mihai Roşca

JEL:M14, O16, D01, D03


Keywords:corporate social responsibility, cause-related marketing, consumer behaviour, marketing research

Cause-related marketing as part of corporate social responsibility, becomes an increasingly used tool by companies operating in the market. Many studies have shown the benefits of cause related marketing campaigns, including attracting new customers, increasing sales of products or services, creating a favourable brand image and raising funds for a social cause. This article is structured in two parts. After analyzing the concept of cause-related marketing and main trends regarding research in this area, a case study on the influence of cause related marketing on consumer attitudes is presented, as reflected by the analysis of a questionnaire administered to youth.
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