Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti

Amfiteatru Economic
Facultatea de Business si Turism

A Pilot Study on the Relationships Among Organizational Learning, Change, and Sustainability in a Responsible Romanian Higher Education Institution

Author:Sorin-George Toma

JEL:D83, I23


Keywords:organizational learning, learning organization, change, sustainability, higher education institution

The complexity of the 21st century is highly determined by an incessant change at a global, international, regional, national and local scale. Faced with unpredictable changes at various levels all types of organizations are operating in a turbulent and fiercely competitive environment. Today`s successful organizations are learning organizations that embrace the sustainability paradigm. The aims of our paper are to render the theoretical approaches related to the concepts of organizational learning, change, sustainability, and to the relationships among them, and to analyze the results of a pilot study regarding professors` opinions on these relationships within a responsible Romanian higher education institution. To such ends, a set of two hypotheses was tested during our research. The data gathered were processed through the SPSS software. The results of our research, limited by its purpose and the size of the sample, show that professors appreciate that team learning and empowerment are the main drivers of change and sustainability in a learning organization.
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