Accumulations and development in commercial logistics
Author:Prof. univ. dr. Ion Schileru
JEL:A23, D11, D21, F18, M14, M21, O24
Keywords:logistics, commercial logistics, merchandise logistics, inverse logistics,
economic education
The work presents a connotative periplus and an evaluation of one of the
most dynamic business fields- logistics. Although used for a long time in the
military department, logistics has affirmed itself relatively recent in business field,
where it brought revolutionary contributions and where it has a privileged statut
There are presented particular significations of logistics from some of the
application fields: production, distribution, merchandise study. In addition, the
whole vision of the work is presented taking in consideration the merchandise
matter, situation explained by the writer’s affiliation to the specialized academic
environment (teaching staff of The Science of Commodities and Quality
Management Chair, of the Academy of Economic Studies, from Bucharest.)
In the conceptual evolution of the term “logistics”, there are emphasized the
concepts and the keys of the definition, that express the whole context- technical,
economic, organizational and social- where the term has distinguished itself:
science and art statute, programming/planning as an approach method, organization
of flow activities (material, financial, informational), affirmation of the “logistical
chain” concept and passing from distribution logistics to the Supply Chain
Management-SCM, and further, to the actual concept.
The matter of inverse logistics is presented as a descendent of the actual
extensions and of the socio- economic and normative imperatives of the period that
we are crossing through.
There are presented considerations regarding the importance of logistics in
business field and there are given information about the tradition of preparing
students in The Higher Education System, in Romania.