Logistica şi managementul Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Tourism
Author:Conf. univ. dr. Silvia Muhcina, Conf. univ. dr. Veronica Popovici
Keywords:tourism, participants, logistics, chain, supply, delivery.
For the organizations which are involved in tourism, efficiency is
conditioned, among other determinants, by the coordination and harmonization of
all participants’ efforts from the specific activities chain: tourism services
suppliers, tour-operators, travel agencies and tourists themselves. Among these
participants, a special role is assigned to the tour-operators. Going from certain
tourism attractions, they take upon themselves the fabrication of those products that
are required by tourists, assembling the different basic and supplementary tourism
services, that are offered by numerous services suppliers, and further, distributing
them to the retailers, or directly to the tourists. The impact of their activity is very
strong because through the realized products they incorporate different types of
tourist services. Going from these aspects and analyzing in a similar manner the
tourism activity as the material goods manufacturing activity from logistical point
of view, it can be said that, successful activity can be achieved when those different
participants categories act like a system, into a supply chain.
On tour-operators’ level, the supply chain management incorporates, among
the others, planning and management activities concerning purchasing suppliers
selection, internal logistics’ management, as well as collaboration with all marketing
channel partners. Internal logistics involves activities that refers to purchasing,
operations’ support and some aspects that are similar with physical distribution, the
supply chain being structured by cooperation between a various number of
participants, from raw materials suppliers (their impact is visible especially in
catering, foods or beverage suppliers services), up to end consumers. Otherwise, the
role of the last category is more important because they lend the tourism activity
specific nature, through there’s participation on a successful holiday product.