Actualities in logistics and transport
Author:Conf. univ. dr. Simona Dordea, Conf. univ. dr. Liliana Nicodim
JEL:F23, L91, M31
Keywords:logistics services, ICT - Information and Communication Technologies, 3PL
- third-party logistics providers
The increasing flow of commodities represents a fundamental component of
the actual changes within the economic systems at global, regional and local
frameworks. It must be pointed that these changes have not a quantity substance
only, but at the same time, a structural and an operational one. The structural
changes refer in the essence to the production systems and the operational ones to
the transport systems and, compulsory, to the distribution. So, being given this
situation, the essential problem is not the origin and the destination of the freight
flow, but the way of displacement. New distribution systems appear simultaneously
with the production systems, a fact bringing in front the logistics field and freight