The role of marketing in the real ISO 9001:2000 quality management system
Author:Irina Maiorescu
The massive increase of ISO 9001 – quality management system certifications
number world wide in the last years led to a “fashion” of having an ISO 9001 certificate in
the organization. In Romania, the amount of ISO 9001 certificates issued until present
exceeds 12 000 and the question that rises naturally is whether these certificates truly
reflect an existing and functioning quality management system. Mostly, the visions of the
managers and employees about the quality management system they have in the
organization orbit the same one word: “bureaucracy”. That is because ISO 9001 is still not
understood as it should be: a guide for creating a management system where processes are
developed and improved so that the client may be continuously satisfied and, though not
clearly stated in standard - indirectly, that the efficiency and the performance of the
company grow. In the end, the purpose of any management system is maximization of
company’s benefits, using the most effective methods. ISO 9001 speaks about managing the
quality – as the main road to success.