Managing Process Performance and Quality for Sustainability
in the Service Organizations
Author:Carmen Păunescu
JEL:M10, M11
Keywords:process performance management, organization maturity assessment tool, management system for sustainability improvement, service organization
The sustainability of the service organization relies on its ability to monitor the external
environment for opportunities, changes, trends and risks, and also its ability to learn,
change and innovate in response to the results of monitoring. To achieve sustainability the
service organization should focus on its results as well as on its processes. The paper
summarizes the preliminary results of an ongoing research on organization maturity
assessment and process performance management, conducted in Romanian organizations in
2008. Multiple managers, responsible for quality and other executives in over 1100
organizations completed the Maturity Assessment Survey (MAS), which collected
information on the strategic and operational maturity level of their organizations. The MAS
was designed to identify the degree to which Romanian organizations are sustainable and
offer continued satisfaction to their stakeholders, and to help organizations identify areas in
which they can improve their performances. The paper analyzes the cause and effect
relationships that exist among the critical components of a service organization’s
management system at the strategic level so that key drivers or outcomes will become the
heart of an effective solution. In particular, the paper focuses on how the organizational
system influences process maturity of Romanian companies, and the degree to which process
maturity level plays a role in sustainability improvement. A correlation analysis was
employed, in order to show the degree to which organizational system and strategies shape
process maturity in various companies. The research results show that strong positive
correlations between the components of an organizational system account for a higher level
of maturity and performance of organization’s processes.